December 1, 2015 – From Sr. ​Mary Pat Cook

December 1, 2015 | Posted in For Contemplation

One definition of contemplation is “to take a long, loving look at reality.” Possibly the earliest recorded moment of contemplation occurred at the instant of creation, reflected in the first chapter of Genesis. It is there we read that God took a long, loving look at creation “and saw that it was good.” Paul called the Colossians to contemplative moments like that: “Dedicate yourselves to thankfulness,” he said. “Sing gratefully to God from your hearts.” As life swirls around us this week … with news of terror and violence interrupted with commercials for Black Friday deals … let’s listen for the presence of God in the daily acts of courageous peace, ordinary love, quiet beauty, in the joy and suffering, laughter and love of family and friends. And let us take time to look lovingly at the reality of our world … to see the good that God sees. Let us dedicate ourselves to thankfulness and sing a song of gratitude. If the only prayer you ever say in your entire life is thank you, it will be enough. Meister Eckhart

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