August 26, 2016 – From Sr.Mary Pat Cook

August 26, 2016 | Posted in For Contemplation

At the national assembly of the Leadership Conference of Women Religious (LCWR) in early August, Sr. Pat Farrell, OSF, a past president of LCWR, shared her reflection on Contemplation and Transformation. Pat characterized contemplation as “the way we become available for the in-breaking of the reign of God. … the reign of Love.” She recalled several of Jesus’ images for the reign of God, one of which is the treasure hidden in the field – the treasure for which we sell all to buy the field. We are drawn to that treasure, to the field, to Holy Mystery. We are drawn by the God within who yearns for us even as we yearn for the One with whom we are already one. Pat noted that reign of God asks for everything. We are not the ones who decide what the “all” is that we will “sell.” We don’t need to go looking for what to let go. “Selling all” is a purification process that will find us!! It will come through contemplation, through life, through suffering and love. And – if we allow it – it will open us to the Infinite One we seek. It is gift – and it is God who is the Giver. We are called to focus, not on the “selling” but on the in-breaking of God’s reign that now has space to grow in our field. Can I let go of what I thought were treasures? Can I begin to see with God’s eyes – to recognize the real treasure? Can I allow life to open the space I need to receive the gift God is trying to give? Quotations from Pat Farrell, OSF. Leading from the Allure of Holy Mystery: Contemplation and Transformation . Available at .

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