HM Litany of Hope and Promise

In response to your call, O God, and with joy and gratitude, we promise…

  • We will remain faithful to the message and mission of the Gospel, the words of Jesus and the spirit of the HM charism.
  • We will embrace the central place of contemplative prayer in our lives.
  • We will treasure the power of gentle presence with each other and with all we meet.
  • We will honor diversity among ourselves and in the world.
  • We will work to lift the strength, dignity, spirits and voices of women.
  • We will use our voice for peace and justice and work to eradicate all traces of racism.
  • We will continue to open our hearts to people who are poor and marginalized and use our resources to alleviate suffering.
  • We will partner with people and organizations committed to the message of the Gospel.
  • We will use our energy to work toward the sustainability of creation.
  • We will realize as the people of God the need to use the power within us to awaken new life in the Church.
  • We will be courageous and bold as we grow in wisdom and grace and age.
  • We will recognize ourselves as a community of Sisters, Associates and Covenant Companions and move forward in a more integrated and participatory way.
  • We will cherish and respect each other all the days of our lives.

We will strive to share the love of Jesus through the message of the Gospel and the witness of our lives.

-Chapter 2021