The Vows

What are the vows that women religious make?

  • The Vow of Poverty – a desire to live a simple, uncluttered life, free of attachment to material gain, so that we may commit our lives to the Gospel of Jesus.
  • The Vow of Chastity – a response to God whose love has come to us so abundantly that we want to give all we are in return. In chastity we make a choice not to marry and vow to give ourselves out in tender and compassionate love for others.
  • The Vow of Obedience is a commitment to listen for and respond to the voice of God spoken in our own hearts and through community as we discern choices and decisions that face us.

The vows deepen our relationship with God, sharpen our spiritual focus, and free us to respond with light and joy to God and God’s people.